Methods by which such creatures can be annihilated thoughout the world, designed for specific species and to be used in any combination with care.
Common Methods
- Staking: The most commonly used method in the world.
- Beheading: Avoid splattering of the blood.
- Sunlight:Some aged and powerful vampires are immune.
- Cremation: Found throughout the world; scatter the ashes.
- Piercing with a sword: A blessed sword should be used.
- Immersing in water: A bathtub can be used, but body disposal may prove a problem.
- Drenching in garlic and holy water: Large amounts have to be hailed to the gravesite to assure a clean kill; oil, wine, or vinegar can also be used.
- Touching with a crucifix: Destroys young vampires but is normally used only as a repellent.
- Trapping in the grave: Tron bits, red peas, rice (for Chinese species), roses, garlic, stones, and holy water can be used.
- Extracting the heart: Can be very messy.
Less Common Methods
- Stealing the left sock: Useful for only a frew species: Fill a sock with soil, grave dirt, or rocks, and throw outside of village limits, aiming for a river.
- Injecting with holy water: Demands close proximity to the vampire.
- Magic: Use only a trained sorcerer.
- Bottling: Hire a professional Malaysian or Bulgarian sorcerer.
- Using a dhampir: Some dhampirs are disreputable and untrustworthy because of their vampire lineage.
- Using animals: Cocks, dogs, and white wolves recommended.
- Boiling the heart: Use in conjunction with heart extraction; vinegar, oil or wine can be used.
- Using Sabbatarians: Only if they wear their clothing in a particular fashion.